External Contacts - Support for long term conditions

Croydon Voluntary Group

The Croydon Voluntary Group is largely run by people living with diabetes under the care of Croydon University Hospital. We offer advise and awareness talks for the Croydon Community.

Website: croydon.diabetesukgroup.org


National Diabetes Prevention Programme

There is no cure for diabetes. The good news is that three in five cases of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed. We’re supporting people across the UK to find out their risk and take action to reduce it.

Website: www.diabetes.org.uk



Macmillan Centre

The Macmillan Centre offers cancer information and support services. It has been developed as a joint venture between Macmillan cancer support, Croydon Health Services, Citizens Advice Centre, South East Cancer Help Centre and people with cancer.

The centre is based at Croydon University Hospital.

Telephone: 020 8401 3441 or 020 8401 3000 Ext. 5744

Website: www.croydonhealthservices.nhs.uk

Email: benny.millier@nhs.net


South East Cancer Help Centre

SECHC aims to give any person affected by cancer an opportunity to explore ways which may help them to cope with their situation. The Centre aims to respect and support them in the choices they make and to provide individual and group support, complementary therapies and information within a friendly, caring environment.

Telephone: 020 8668 0974

Website: www.sechc.org.uk


Croydon Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Support Group 

CSCATSG has been supporting people livingin with sickle cell and thalassemia for over 20 years.The typical pattern of cries and assiociated problems leads to disruption of education for young people and employment for adults. 

Telephone: 020 8251 7259  

Website: www.cscats.org